Posts by admin

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Studies


We began a collaboration in December 2022 with Arnaud Van Wettere (DVM, MS, PhD, DACVP) at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Utah State University. Entitled Prevalence of Avian Influenza A Virus Antibodies in Migrating North American Peregrine Falcons, it is summarized thus: An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1 started in the fall of 2021. The scale of this outbreak is unprecedented; it is the largest and most prolonged to date in the USA. Raptors are known to be particularly susceptible to HPAI, with most succumbing within a few days post infection. Given that...

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Autumn Peregrine Surveys Complete


Our field teams completed the 53rd annual survey at Assateague Island and the 47th annual survey at Padre Island in October. Please visit our Research page for results and reports.

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Earthspan Studies Avian Influenza with Utah State


We began a collaboration in December 2022 with Arnaud Van Wettere (DVM, MS, PhD, DACVP) at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Utah State University. We are providing plasma samples from hundreds of peregrines captured at Assateague and Padre Islands. Entitled Prevalence of Avian Influenza A Virus Antibodies in Migrating North American Peregrine Falcons, the investigation is summarized thus: An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1 started in the fall of 2021. The scale of this outbreak is unprecedented; it is the largest and most prolonged to date in the USA....

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Autumn 2022 Peregrine Surveys Complete


Mike Yates and Bill Seegar conducted the 52nd annual Peregrine Falcon Survey at Assateague Island, MD. Gregg Doney’s team concurrently completed the 46th annual survey at Padre Island, TX. See results and reports under the Research tab.

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2021 Peregrine Falcon Migration Surveys Complete


2021 saw a return to the field for Earthspan biologists after a 2020 field season lost to COVID. A spring survey was conducted at Padre Island and fall surveys at Assateague and Padre Islands. Please see the Research tab for result summaries and full reports on the surveys.

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Padre Surveys Resume


As life slowly returns to normal, vaccinated Earthspan biologists returned to Padre Island in April. Gregg Doney, Chris Pfister, and Sam Voss ably conducted the surveys. We were honored and encouraged by the interest and enthusiasm of Olive Hershey and Kent Burnett during a survey visit that Geoff Pampush of The Peregrine Fund organized. Full surveys at both Assateague and Padre Islands are planned for the fall.

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Fall Peregrine Surveys Canceled


It is with great regret that we have decided to stand down from the fall 2020 peregrine surveys at both Assateague and Padre Islands. The continued prevalence of COVID-19 makes the travel and interactions necessary to properly conduct the surveys a risk we cannot accept. We will continue to respond appropriately to this deadly virus, hope all our fellow citizens will finally do so, and plan to survive and resume this important work in 2021. The long-term nature of our studies will minimize the effects of our first such absence since the surveys were begun in 1970 and 1977. In the meantime,...

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COVID-19 Prompts Cancellation of Spring Padre Island Survey


We’ve been keeping up with the latest developments on COVID-19 and consulting with colleagues in the medical and research communities. We’ve also watched the dominoes fall through travel bans, cancellations of gatherings and sporting events, suspension of classes at schools and universities, and work-at-home transitions among workplaces. It is with great reluctance and regret that we’ve decided to cancel the spring survey for the first time since its inception in 1979. We cannot justify placing our biologists at risk for the sake of the 50-60 falcons we could capture. The...

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Earthspan mourns the loss of another hero


The FOM (Field Operations Manager, as he was affectionately called by many of us) has left the building. A founding member of Earthspan, Bill Mattox mentored us in Greenland and was a touchstone in the lives and careers of countless biologists. He has our eternal thanks, and will forever be missed. Read more about Bill under About Us, In...

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Another Devastating Loss to the Earthspan Family


With heavy heart we must report that long-time friend and volunteer Jenny Somers has lost her courageous battle with breast cancer. We will always be grateful for that friendship and her many contributions. More on Jenny can be found under the About Us tab: Volunteer Profiles and In Memoriam.

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